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Euromillions statistics

Euromillions statistics and how numbers and combinations repeat

Our EuroMillions statistics focus on several key aspects related to number draws. The first of these is the frequency with which previously drawn specific combinations are drawn again. Another important aspect is the analysis of the time intervals between the draws of these combinations. This approach allows us to understand how regularly certain combinations of numbers appear over time.. Finally, the statistics also examine how long it takes for all possible combinations of numbers to be drawn. This information is crucial for understanding the completeness and randomness of the draws. Overall, these Euromillions statistics provide us with a deep insight into the functioning of the EuroMillions game and help us better understand the dynamics of randomness in this popular lottery. While statistics cannot predict which specific combination will be drawn, they can at least show us the statistically less likely combinations and the others.


Although the Euromillions game is completely random and the exact outcome of future draws cannot be precisely predicted, our statistics show that even randomness follows well-defined rules. You can find this important information in the graphs below. All the charts and tables on this page show the number of draws between the repeated drawings of combinations with certain matches. The statistic includes all draw results since 2004, a total of 1770 draws, and is updated daily

We will begin by showing how combinations reappear in Euromillions and at what intervals

How Often Are Previously Drawn Combinations Drawn Again
Match Percent Draws
5 + 2 0% 0
5 + 1 0% 0
5 + 0 0.056% 1
4 + 2 0.226% 4
4 + 1 2.994% 53
4 + 0 5.367% 95
3 + 2 7.062% 125
3 + 1 63.277% 1120
3 + 0 80.621% 1427
2 + 2 55.48% 982
2 + 1 97.288% 1722
2 + 0 98.531% 1744
1 + 2 89.096% 1577
1 + 1 99.661% 1764
1 + 0 99.661% 1764
0 + 2 94.068% 1665
0 + 1 99.774% 1766
Draw Interval Until the Combinations Were Drawn Again
Match Draws Max Avg Min
5 + 2 0 0 0 0
5 + 1 0 0 0 0
5 + 0 1 452 452 452
4 + 2 4 1238 457 92
4 + 1 53 1358 502.28 28
4 + 0 95 1634 593.15 12
3 + 2 125 1595 551.56 14
3 + 1 1120 1751 375.95 1
3 + 0 1427 1742 259.45 1
2 + 2 1744 216 22.67 1
2 + 1 1722 314 44.03 1
2 + 0 1744 216 22.67 1
1 + 2 1577 1166 141.5 1
1 + 1 1764 69 8.78 1
1 + 0 1764 30 4.24 1
0 + 2 1665 595 89.07 1
0 + 1 1766 49 5.56 1

The above table is not very representative as it only shows the minimum, maximum, and average values

In the table above, we see that some combinations appeared within a single draw, which can be understood as occasional fluctuations. When we look at the graphs below, we find that after a certain number of draws, some combinations start to repeat more and cluster around a main peak in the graph. This behavior can be explained by the law of large numbers applied to the EuroMillions game and the probability for a specific combination. Although it is not possible to predict when a particular combination will reappear in the EuroMillions results, statistics can help filter out less likely combinations and at least statistically highlight those that are slightly more probable.

To start, let's look at the statistics of how a single number repeats in EuroMillions.

1 + 0

Overview of One Number Repeats without Stars

Re-draw of the following numbers:

[ 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50]

As seen in this graph, the re-drawing of at least one number from previous draws occurs very quickly. At the same time, the graph reveals that in the vast majority of cases, all numbers up to 42 are drawn, and no number older than 45 draws has ever been drawn

Overview of re-draws for combinations of two numbers

2 + 0

Combinations matching 2 numbers without stars are drawn in 98.531% of cases . This Match Occurred in 1744 draws.

Re-draw of all combinations of two numbers:

[ 01-02, 02-10, 03-40, 04-05, 05-20, 06-30, 07-25, 08-35, 09-15, 10-50, 11-22, 12-24, 13-45, 14-18, 15-28, 16-33, 17-42, 18-44, 19-26, 20-37, 21-23, 22-48, 23-29, 24-49, 25-31]

This graph reveals that the re-drawing of at least one pair of numbers occurs after only a few draws, but it also shows that pairs of numbers most frequently reappear in the EuroMillions draw results after 20 draws. This statistic also reveals that no combination of two numbers has ever been older than 140 draws

Overview of re-draws for combinations of three numbers

3 + 0

Combinations matching 3 numbers without stars are drawn in 80.621% of cases . This Match Occurred in 1427 draws.

Re-draw of all combinations of three numbers:

[ 01-03-04, 01-03-50, 02-08-25, 03-05-07, 04-12-20, 05-09-30, 06-15-40, 07-14-18, 08-20-32, 09-17-28, 10-22-35, 11-23-39, 12-25-41, 13-27-45, 14-30-50, 15-18-21, 16-19-24, 17-21-33, 18-22-37, 19-26-42]

As can be seen from this graph, combinations of three numbers most frequently return to the draw results around 200 draws. This graph also shows how more complex combinations shift to the right.

Overview of re-draws four combinations of fo numbers

4 + 0

Combinations matching 4 numbers without stars are drawn in 5.367% of cases . This Match Occurred in 95 draws.

Re-draw of all combinations of four numbers:

As evident from this graph, the re-drawing of four numbers does not occur very often, but when it does, it usually takes hundreds of draws.

Overview of the Re-drawing of Combinations in EuroMillions and the Intervals Between Their Occurrences in Number of Draws.

Overview of the Repetition Frequency of Four Numbers and One Star

4 + 1

Combinations matching 4 numbers and one star are drawn in 2.994% of cases . This Match Occurred in 53 draws.

There wasn't much data available for creating this 'Graph 4+1' because combinations with a match of four numbers and one star are drawn in only 2.994% of cases. Therefore, this graph isn't very representative.

Overview of the Repetition Frequency of Three Numbers and Two Star

3 + 2

Combinations matching 3 numbers and two star are drawn in 7.062% of cases . This Match Occurred in 125 draws.

This graph shows that three numbers and two stars start to appear more frequently in the Euromillions draw results around 200 draws. The maximum number of draws before this combination statistically has to reappear is still unknown.

Overview of the Repetition Frequency of Three Numbers and One Star

3 + 1

Combinations matching 3 numbers and one star are drawn in 63.277% of cases . This Match Occurred in 1120 draws.

As we can see in 'Graph 3+1', combinations most often return to the lottery results around 400 draws. Unfortunately, the upper limit for their repetition is still unknown. We will have to wait several years for this information.

Overview of the Repetition Frequency of Two Numbers and Two Star

2 + 2

Combinations matching 2 numbers and two star are drawn in 55.48% of cases . This Match Occurred in 982 draws.

As we can see in this 'Graph 2+2', combinations most often start to repeat around 400 draws. Unfortunately, the maximum number of draws before the numbers start to repeat is still unknown. We will have to wait a few more years for this information

Overview of the Repetition Frequency of Two Numbers and One Star

2 + 1

Combinations matching 2 numbers and one star are drawn in 97.288% of cases . This Match Occurred in 1722 draws.

As we can see in this graph, the repetition of two numbers and one star most frequently occurs after 30 draws. This time, it is truly beautiful, showing how the random drawing in EuroMillions can create such a beautifully rounded graph.

Overview of the Repetition Frequency of One Numbers and Two Star

1 + 2

Combinations matching 1 numbers and two star are drawn in 89.096% of cases . This Match Occurred in 1577 draws.

As we can see in this 'Graph 1+2', one number and two stars most frequently reappear in the Euromillions draw results after 150 draws.

Overview of the Repetition Frequency for Two Stars

0 + 2

Frequency Overview of Two Star Repeats in Euromillions

As we can see in this graph, the repetition of star pairs in EuroMillions most frequently occurs after 60 draws. However, the graph is not very representative because the data is skewed; before 2011, it was not possible to create star combinations with the number 12. EuroMillions added the number 12 to the pool of stars on May 10, 2011. Therefore, it is shifted quite a bit to the right compared to how it should actually look.

Overview of the Repetition Frequency of One Numbers and One Star

1 + 1

Overview of One Number and One Star Repeats

As we can see in this 'Graph 1+1', which shows how often a specific number and one star are drawn and at what intervals, it is clear that the same number and star can be drawn again in a short period.

Overview of the Repetition Frequency for One Star

0 + 1

Overview of One Star Repeats

As we can see in this 'Graph 0+1', which shows how a specific star returns in the Euromillions draw results, it is clear that a single star can be drawn again within a few draws. The graph also shows the maximum number of draws before a specific star is drawn.

As we can see, the Euromillions game is predictable in certain aspects

Although statistics reveal how numbers repeat in EuroMillions, even with good knowledge of statistics, the chances of guessing all the numbers are really small. Statistics can at least help us indicate the direction where the next lucky numbers might be hiding. However, there are 140 million combinations, and finding the right one requires a lot of luck and randomness. On our website, you can perform a complete audit of your numbers, which will tell you when your numbers were last drawn and even highlight them on a graph. Nevertheless, finding the correct combination is not easy. EuroMillions is primarily a game of chance.

Further equally important Euromillions statistics can be found below

Analysis of the Repetition of the First Five Numbers

This analysis focuses on how numbers repeat exactly in their positions. For clarification, here is an example: in one draw, the number '01-??-09-??-50' was drawn, and we analyze how many draws passed until the same number with the same digits in the same positions '01-??-09-??-50' was drawn again.

How Often Are Numbers Drawn in the Same Positions
Match Percent Draws
5 0.056% 1
4 2.768% 49
3 55.424% 981
2 96.554% 1761
1 99.492% 1761
Number of Draws Until Numbers Are Drawn Again
Match Draws Max Avg Min
5 1 452 452 452
4 49 1634 580.06 12
3 981 1729 430.83 1
2 1709 669 57.52 1
1 1761 50 6.01 1

Overview of the Repetition Frequency for Four Numbers in the Same Positions

Four numbers in the same positions

Combinations Matching 4 Numbers in the Same Positions Occur in 2.768%. This Match Occurred in 49 Draws

There wasn't much data available to create this graph with a match of four numbers from previous draws. Nevertheless, it is evident that the graph is slowly taking shape and heading towards the range of thousands of draws.

Overview of the Repetition Frequency for Three Numbers in the Same Positions

Three numbers in the same positions

Combinations Matching 3 Numbers in the Same Positions Occur in 55.424%. This Match Occurred in 981 Draws

As we can see in this graph, numbers most frequently repeat in the same positions around 400 draws. The upper limit for the repeated drawing of the same three numbers in the same positions is still unknown. This graph differs from 'Graph 3+0' because drawing the same three numbers in the same positions is much more difficult and, in most cases, takes many more draws.

Overview of the Repetition Frequency for Two Numbers in the Same Positions

Two numbers in the same positions

Combinations Matching 2 Numbers in the Same Positions Occur in 96.554%. This Match Occurred in 1709 Draws

As we can see in this graph, numbers in the same positions most frequently repeat around 40 draws. This time, the graph even shows us the maximum number of draws before a specific combination of two numbers returns to the Euromillions draw results. In this case, it can be around 500 draws.

Overview of the Repetition Frequency for One Numbers in the Same Positions

One numbers in the same positions

Combinations Matching 1 Number in the Same Positions Occur in 99.492%. This Match Occurred in 1761 Draws

As we can see in this graph, a single number in the same position can be drawn again in a very short period. The graph also shows us the upper limit before the number appears again in the Euromillions draw results. In this case, the upper limit is around 40 draws.

Frequency Analysis of Drawing the Same Types of Numbers in the Same Order

In our application, we recognize four types of numbers: odd numbers, even numbers, prime numbers of odd numbers, and prime numbers of even numbers. We analyze how often these combinations appear in the same order in the results of the Euromillions lottery game. It turns out that only 10.056% of the drawn combinations have this match, which could be a statistical indicator to avoid these matching combinations. Each number type has been assigned a specific color to make them more easily identifiable.

Exact type of numbers in the same order

Exact type of numbers in the same order

Combinations that have the same type of numbers in the same order are drawn in 10.056% of cases. Overall, we have recorded that this happened in 178 draws.

There was not enough information to create this graph.

Advantages of Using Statistics

Using these statistics can be very useful because they provide you with an overview of the frequency with which combinations repeat. This way, you can better understand the patterns and probabilities in the Euromillions game and make more informed decisions.

Disadvantages of Statistics:

Occasionally, various fluctuations appear in the Euromillions draws. For example, some combinations appear unexpectedly soon, while other combinations should have been drawn after hundreds of draws. Some combinations repeat more often than others.

In conclusion, although statistics can slightly increase your chances of winning, it is always important to remember that Euromillions is a game of chance and luck plays a key role. Use statistics as a tool for making informed decisions, but don't forget to enjoy the game and have fun.


As the author of this application, I would like to say a few words in conclusion. When I was programming the statistical functions to generate these charts, I had no idea what interesting results would emerge and how much the charts would reveal. After the first generation of these charts, I was quite shocked.

I also want to declare that the data is not manipulated in any way to show better results. You can click through to the referenced draws to ensure everything is transparent and traceable.

You might now be wondering if I've ever won any interesting prize. The truth is, I have never won any notable prize in my life. I hope that my application brings you more luck than it has brought me so far.

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